
CPD for Associates and Certificants

Maintaining your annual membership

Women’s health requirements in 2024

Maintaining your membership from 2024

The College recognises that Associates (Procedural and Advanced Procedural) and Certificants are already engaged in activities that are aligned to scope of practice, and governed by jurisdiction/hospital credential processes.

From 1 January 2024, it will be a condition of meeting annual CPD requirements that Associates (Procedural and Advanced Procedural) and Certificants are CPD-compliant with their respective CPD Homes.

Completion of a Professional Development Plan (PDP) is a mandatory requirement for all College CPD Homes. To maintain CPD requirements, Associates (Procedural and Advanced Procedural) and Certificants will be required to include goal(s)/activity(s) for women鈥檚 reproductive health, aligned to their scope of practice, and provide evidence of completion of activities in their CPD portal, as follows:

8 CPD hours of activities relating to women’s reproductive health, with a minimum of:

Educational Activities (EA):  4 hours

Outcome Measurement (OM): 2 hours

Performance Review (PR): 2 hours

Upon renewal of membership in 2024, Associates (Procedural and Advanced Procedural) and Certificants will need to confirm enrolment into a CPD Home. If selected for a CPD verification check, you will be required to submit a copy of your PDP to the RANZCOG CPD portal.

Issue of certificates

In 2023, the College will issue Associates (Procedural), Associates (Advanced Procedural) and Certificants with:

a recertification certificate with a duration to December 2023 鈥 this certificate will be available for download from the My.RANZCOG portal

a new Certificate, RANZCOG Associate Training Program (Procedural) (PTP) or RANZCOG Associate Training Program (Advanced Procedural) (APTP), including the date on which it was awarded 鈥 this qualification will not be re-issued at the end of each CPD cycle and will be available for download from the new CPD portal; an annual compliance statement will also be available for download

The Certificate, RANZCOG Associate Training Program (Procedural) and RANZCOG Associate Training Program (Advanced Procedural) qualifications are jointly awarded by RANZCOG, together with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).

Joining the RANZCOG CPD Home

As a valued Associate (Procedural and Advanced Procedural) and Certificant member, you’re invited to join the RANZCOG CPD Home and participate in our CPD program. As a member of the RANZCOG CPD program, you will have access to a wide range of benefits that will help you stay up to date with the latest developments in women鈥檚 health and enhance your professional skills.

If you would like to join RANZCOG as your CPD Home, please complete the .

Some of the benefits of participating in the RANZCOG CPD program include:

access to exclusive educational resources and training opportunities

automatic upload of attendance and participation in RANZCOG events that align to the CPD program

attendance at RANZCOG Symposiums and Annual Scientific Meetings 鈥 a great opportunity to network with other medical professionals and share knowledge and experience

access to the online CPD portal to plan, record and track your CPD activities, including any high-level requirements set by your respective College

CPD requirements

Ongoing participation in the program as an Associate (Procedural and Advanced Procedural) and Certificant member is contingent on accruing 50 CPD hours over a 12-month period, and payment of the annual participation fee (within one month of the new CPD cycle commencing).

Each cycle, your 50 CPD hours must be spread across three domains, as outlined in the table below.

Educational Activities (EA)13
Outcome Measures (OM)5
Performance Review (PR)5
Remaining hours across OM/PR16
Remaining hours across any domain (EA/OM/PR) 11
Total hours50

Want to learn more?

Please click the button below for more information on the RANZCOG CPD program and requirements that apply to all CPD participants.


Please note: ‘all other participants’ refers to: Associate Members, Educational Affiliates, and CPD affiliates (non-members) in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

CPD fees
CPD application and program fees (RANZCOG Fellows)
Included in membership fee
CPD application fee (CPD affiliates)
$425 inc GST
$484 inc GST
Submit with application
Additional cost of CPD program (all other participants)
$754 inc GST
$859 inc GST
Due annually
Additional cost of CPD program (Certificant, Associate (Procedural), Associate (Advanced Procedural))
$528 inc GST
$601 inc GST
Due annually

About your CPD application fee

On renewal of your annual membership fee, you will be able to:

opt to join the RANZCOG CPD program

pay the related fee by 1st December

Pro rata adjustments on your initial CPD program fee

On joining the RANZCOG CPD program, your first invoice for the annual CPD program fee will be adjusted pro rata according to your date of application


Applications to join the RANZCOG CPD Home will open shortly.

In the meantime…

Click the button below to express your interest and our CPD team will contact you.


Associates (Procedural and Adv. Procedural) and Certificants may cancel their enrolment to the CPD program. Refunds are provided as per the table below.

Week of CPD cycleRefund amount
1鈥26 weeks50% refund
27鈥39 weeks25% refund
40鈥52 weeks0% refund

For more information, please refer to the following document:


Associates can request a reduction in their annual subscription fees for parental leave, extended period of leave from clinical practice due to ill health or volunteer work overseas.

Reinstatement to the Register

If you’re currently practicing and were previously registered as a Certificant or Associate (Procedural) and Associate (Adv. Procedural), you can apply to be reinstated.


If you have any questions, please contact our CPD team:

Email: cpd@ranzcog.edu.au

14 March 2024